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Create a candidate’s profile & upload the CV

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Create a candidate’s profile & upload the CV

Dear Candidate,

If you are actively looking for a job, fill out the form below and send it to us. Your qualifications and experience will be published on this site (Excluding contact information). Since most of the prestige companies use our website, you can get a better job quickly

If you are expecting an industrial training, Please mention it under the “expected position/s” and ”description”

Please note that we only publish quality, true & duly completed candidates’ profiles on our website. So be sure to properly complete your profile and submit us.

Select the icon:
You can select one or more positions


You can select one or more locations
You can keep this blak or add many sectors you worked
You can keep this blak or add many industries you worked
Working Experience:
Present Employment: [Please tick the right cage] Currently Employed Currently Not Employed
Format (You can even add several)
Enter the years of working
Current Position
Enter the Sectors/industries (Don’t enter the company name)
Add New
Format (You can even add several)
Enter name of the University/institute
Enter the Level
Enter the name of the course/degree program
Add New
Results of A/L Examination :
First attend
Second attend
Results of O/L Examination :
First attend
Second attend
Language Proficiency: [Please tick (√) the right cage]
English : Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Sinhala : Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Tamil : Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Extracurricular activity :
Skills :
Honors & awards / Achievements :
Description :

Following information are not open to the public

Date of Birth

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